Principal investigator
François Massonnet is F.R.S.-FNRS Research Associate and part-time lecturer at the Earth and Climate Centre of the UCLouvain. His research interests focus on seasonal to interannual predictability and prediction of sea ice, the evaluation of climate models in polar regions, data assimilation and forecast verification.
Team members
Lauren Hoffman is a postdoctoral researcher at the Earth and Climate Centre of the Earth & Life Institute at UCLouvain. She uses machine learning methods to predict and understand Arctic sea-ice variability.
Patricia DeRepentigny is a postdoctoral researcher at the Earth and Climate Centre of the Earth & Life Institute at UCLouvain. Her research focuses on future projections of Arctic sea ice and the multiple drivers of sea ice retreat on seasonal to century time scales in the context of forcing uncertainty and internal variability of the climate system.
Alison Delhasse is a postdoctoral researcher at Earth and Climate Centre of the Earth & Life Institute at UCLouvain. Her research focuses on ocean and sea ice data assimilation in the NEMO ocean model to enhance the representation of sea ice states, to develop a forecasting tool on a multi-seasonal scale to prevent rapid sea ice melt events.
Annelies Sticker is a PhD candidate at Earth and Climate Centre of the Earth & Life Institute at UCLouvain. She is interested in climate projections of Arctic sea ice in CMIP6 simulations and the factors causing rapid sea ice retreat on subdecadal to decadal time scales in these simulations.